Sunday, August 31, 2008

Announcement: Let’s learn the basic of Medical Diagnostic Tests every week

Disease, Doctor, Drug and Diagnostic tests are some fearsome words in my life. And this is because I am not a physician. However, how huge the fear is, we all, at least once in our life time see a physician with our quires on our health. Physicians help us to cure from diseases by providing medication and valuable advice. Since Medical is a technical subject, the language of our physicians sounds quite hard for many of us. For example, your physician advised you to do endoscopy to diagnose your disease related to stomach. Since you don’t know anything about the endoscopy test, you will be stressed imagining how painful and strange the test procedure could be until the test is done. But how about if you know a little in advance, if not all, about the diagnostic test you are going to face in the next morning? That indeed, would be very good, since your knowledge will prevent your mind to create horrible dreams on the diagnostic test that you were recommended to do. For many of us learning Medical is very difficult and perhaps totally impossible. But knowing the basic information is indeed simple, especially, by reading an article that has used minimum Medical Terms and also provided explanation of the terms. By keeping this problem in mind, the blog is going to introduce one medical diagnostic weekly. Please keep your eyes on the blog and minimize your fear toward medical procedures, especially diagnostic tests. We will also try our best to provide you information on new and emerging diagnostic tests.
Thanks for your attention.

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